Multisensory and Participatory Worship Experiences

mul·ti·sen·so·ry (məl-tē-ˈsen(t)-sə-rē) adj. Relating to or involving several bodily senses. 

par·tic·i·pa·to·ry (pär-ˈti-sə-pə-ˌtȯr-ē) adj. Characterized by or involving participation

For many of us, Sunday morning looks like this: We gather, we sing, we read (sometimes aloud), we listen to teaching in the form of a sermon, we go home, we go about our lives.
In educational circles we've known for years that there are three types of learners:
  • Auditory learners - those who learn by listening
  • Visual learners - those who learn by seeing
  • Kinesthetic learners - those who learn by doing

In the church we've mastered auditory teaching. In many communities, it's the only way we communicate the Gospel in church gatherings. Over the past twenty years or so, churches have increasingly added visual elements, most of them on a screen projected from a computer.

Kinesthetic learning almost never takes place in the sanctuary on a Sunday morning and adults rarely ever participate in kinesthetic learning within the church walls.
A Chinese proverb states, “Tell me and I'll forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I'll understand.”

What if we lived by that proverb in the Church? What if we opened the door to see all the people truly involved in worship.

This blog is here to serve as a gathering place for ideas, instructions, resources, and support to help you create worship experiences for the whole church. Some of these ideas can be incorporated into worship gatherings to compliment traditional worship services (for the purposes of this sentence I mean any service that has music and preaching--no matter the musical style). And some of these ideas are standalone experiences that serve as the message and supersede the need for a sermon, liturgy or corporate singing.

So come on in and take a seat. Actually, scratch that. Get up and move around. We're about to experience worship.

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